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My Portfolio Website | Alexandre Ferreira

My Portfolio Website

Older versions of my personal website.

Created Jun 01, 2012 - Last Updated Jun 01, 2012


#Version 5 (Latest)

The latest version of my personal website is based on Lennart Jörgens (opens in a new tab)’s repository portfolio-v2 (opens in a new tab), live at (opens in a new tab). Was made with the following stack: React (opens in a new tab) + Typescript (opens in a new tab), Gatsby (opens in a new tab) + MDX (opens in a new tab), Chakra UI (opens in a new tab) + Emotion (opens in a new tab), Formik (opens in a new tab) + yup (opens in a new tab)

#Version 4

4th version is based on AbdaliDahir/gatsby-portfolio (opens in a new tab)’s repository. I have a page redirecting from GitHub Pages and GitLab Page to my website, you can check the repositories here (opens in a new tab) and here (opens in a new tab), respectively.

#Version 3

Available here at (opens in a new tab) (Source Code (opens in a new tab)), version 3.0 was made with Gatsby (opens in a new tab), React (opens in a new tab), GraphQL (opens in a new tab), styled-components (opens in a new tab), forms using Formik (opens in a new tab) and protected by Google Recaptcha (opens in a new tab). Inspired by (opens in a new tab) (Source Code (opens in a new tab)) and (opens in a new tab) (Source code (opens in a new tab))

#Version 2


#Version 1

The first version was made with Jekyll (opens in a new tab). Inspired by (opens in a new tab)


Website preview #2
Website preview #3
Want to view more? Browse my portfolio

This is my personal website made with and . Respectfully inspired on LekoArts code.
